International Orthodox Christian News

Within the current contemporary cultural environment of our country, the World Philatelic Exhibition EFIRO 2008, at its fourth edition, is an ample landmark which bears a powerful character.

In 2008, this event is enriched by the anniversary of 150 years since, in 1858, in Moldavia were published, just 18 years after the postal stamps appeared, the first Romanian stamps bearing the heraldic representation of an European bison’s head, which have become, through their age, rarity and signification, unanimously considered items of high philatelic value, both within our country and abroad.

With the utmost appreciation We have received news that, within this anniversary context of the World Philatelic Exhibition taking place in Romania’s capital, ROMFILATEIA launches a philatelic batch titled “Monuments Which Belong to the UNESCO World Heritage,” whose first series is dedicated to “Saint Georges” church of the Voronet Monastery, the renowned 1488 place of worship founded by Holy Voivod Stefan the Great.

Also, because this philatelic batch, initiated jointly by Romania and the Russian Federation, is linked as well with the anniversary of 130 of diplomatic relations between the two countries, it seems appropriate to complete the general framework in which this prestigious event takes place through the development of bridges between the past and the present.

We send Our warm congratulations to ROMFILATEIA for the organization of this exhibition of remarkable expressivity and We bless all the people involved in its planning and the participants to this great event in our cultural and diplomatic life.

† Daniel,
Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church


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