International Orthodox Christian News

The restoration will continue in cooperation with the Culture Ministry, international institutions and UNMIK.

The SPC’s Synod finished its regular spring session yesterday, stating that the Church and the Serbian people would never countenance the unlawful, violent usurpation of Kosovo, and thanked all the countries that had not recognized the province’s unilateral independence declaration.

In a statement, the Synod added that it had been ”taken aback” by the behavior of some media channels, “whose goal is obviously not to objectively and responsibly inform the public, but to publish malicious lies about goings-on in the life of the Church.”

Religious analyst Živica Tucić told B92 that the Church’s statement showed that there were no divisions within the Church, especially at a time when its head was very ill.

“I see that certain topics that have been discussed, some that maybe the public, even the religious public expected, have not been mentioned. It is very important for worshippers to hear that issues related to liturgies, for example, have been discussed. It has been agreed that services will continue as before. There are many divisions on that topic generally,” Tucić said.

He said that the references to the media “show that relations between the media and the Church are very delicate, and that there is dissatisfaction on both sides.”

“I think that a serious discussion is required between the media and the Church in a constructive tone, and in a tone that shows readiness for cooperation,” he said.

The Church also stated that a report from the Commission for Dialogue with the Roman Catholic Church had been adopted without any negative ramifications for the SPC.

Tucić said that the decision to conduct dialogue with the Catholic Church was necessary because there were many internal divisions regarding that issue.

He said that the document was being criticized most harshly by those who had not read it.

“It is a working document. I see that the Cypriot Orthodox Church stated two days ago that it had been notified of the document and would have a look at it. The SPC also stated that it was aware of it, and stated that it was not detrimental to Orthodoxy, but that it must be looked into more thoroughly,” Tucić said.

The Synod session was chaired by Bishop Amfilohije, who, under the SPC’s constitution, replaced Patriarch Pavle for health reasons.

It was stated that the meeting had dealt with “the vital questions of life, structure and the mission of the Serbian Orthodox Church.”


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