International Orthodox Christian News

Constantinople ruins talk with Catholics

The Russian Orthodox Church representative to European institutions accused the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople on Monday of seeking to establish itselfas the top authority in the world's Orthodox communion and of ruiningOrthodox-Roman Catholic dialogue.
The representative, Bishop Hilarion of Vienna and Austria, wasreferring to the 10th meeting of the Joint International Commission forthe Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the RomanCatholic Church.
The delegation of the Moscow Patriarchate withdrew from themeeting, held in Ravenna, Italy, in protest against the participation inthe event of the Estonian Apostolic Church, a church set up by theConstantinople Patriarchate in 1996 in Estonia, which the Moscow churchconsiders part of its territory.
The Ravenna meeting resulted in a final document that did not bear the signature of the Moscow Patriarchate. "Metropolitan John of Pergamon [of the Constantinople Patriarchate]as co-president of the joint commission for Orthodox-Catholic dialogueis responsible for derailing the dialogue," Hilarion said.
"His comments and the final text of the document work on which hasfinished in Ravenna without the participation of the Moscow Patriarchatemay produce the impression that the Constantinople Patriarchate deliberately pushed the Moscow Patriarchate to withdraw from the dialogue so that decisions should be passed that would have been
impossible with the participation of the Moscow Patriarchate," the
bishop said.
In a statement after the signature of the final document, Hilarionsaid the fact that the dialogue excluded "the largest Orthodox church,one whose number of members exceeds the total number of members of all other Orthodox churches put together, calls into question the legitimacyof the Orthodox-Catholic dialogue."
Metropolitan John responded by accusing the Moscow church ofseeking to demonstrate its influence and of resorting to authoritarianmethods to do so.
"Constantinople," said Hilarion, "wants to force on us a model ofchurch organization that has never existed in Orthodox tradition andthat is closer to the centralized model existing in the Roman-CatholicChurch. In that model, the patriarch of Constantinople would have the
role of the 'eastern pope.'"
The next round of talks, to start in 2009, would show whether otherOrthodox churches would accept the alleged model, Hilarion said."However, it is already clear that the absence of the Moscow Patriarchate will make the work to develop such a model much easier," he said.


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